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add_customer and update_customer
The variables and values are the same for both add_customer and update_customer. However, when using update_customer, only the variables and values you supply will be updated.
Input Variable Input Value Description
cid String value, limited to 255 characters. Required Customer ID that identifies this customer.
company String value of an existing company. If the company name does not exist an error will be returned. To create a new company, set this value to "create_new" and use the variable "new_company" to pass in the new company name. The name of the company to associate this customer with.
new_company String value that is the name of the new company. Only use this when the company variable is set to "create_new", otherwise it will be ignored. This value is limited to 255 characters.
contact String value, limited to 255 characters. This is the first and last name of the customer, i.e. John Smith.
pass String value, limited to 255 characters. This will be the password for the customer. It will be encrypted upon database insertion.
portal Name as a string value or portal ID as an integer. If no match is found by name or ID number the first instance of a portal found in the database will be applied. This will be the customer portal this customer will be associated with.
support Only the values Y and N are valid. Case does not matter. Y = YES and N = NO. This determines the customers support status. If set to N, they will not have access to the customer portal, and technicians will not be able to create tickets for them. If this value is ommited or set to a value other than Y or N it will be set to the default value of Y.
chat Only the values Y and N are valid. Case does not matter. Y = YES and N = NO. This determines the customers chat status. If set to N, they will not have access to start live chat sessions. If this value is ommited or set to a value other than Y or N it will be set to the default value of Y.
contracts A comma separated lit of the ID of support contracts. This will be the support contracts this customer will be associated with. You can retrieve a list of contract ID numbers using the "get_support_contracts" method.
contracts A comma separated lit of the ID of support contracts. This will be the support contracts this customer will be associated with. You can retrieve a list of contract ID numbers using the "get_support_contracts" method.
sc_start_dates A comma separated list dates. The dates must be in the same order as the contract IDs you have supplied. These will be the start dates of the support contract IDs you have supplied.. The dates must be in the same order as the contract IDs.
encrypt Only the values Y and N are valid. Case does not matter. Y = YES and N = NO. This defines whether or not to use encryption when sending emails to this customer. You must have an email certificate installed on your server tp use this feature, and the customer must have a copy of the certificate installed as well.
latitude Value as a double, i.e. 71.234566789. This is the latitude of the customer's location. If you do not supply a ltitude and longitude ReadyDesk will use a web service to look up the values based on the address you supply. These values are used for displaying customer locations on a map.
longitude Value as a double, i.e. 71.234566789. This is the longitude of the customer's location. If you do not supply a ltitude and longitude ReadyDesk will use a web service to look up the values based on the address you supply. These values are used for displaying customer locations on a map.
selectable_categories Comma separated list of category names. This defines which categories this customer will be allowed to see on the ticket form. Leaving this value blank will allow them to see all categories.
viewable_tickets Only the values PERSONAL and COMPANY are valid. Case does not matter. This defines whether the customer can see just their own PERSONAL tickets, or all tickets associated with all customers within their COMPANY. If this value is ommited or set to a value other than PERSONAL or COMPANY it will be set to the default value of PERSONAL.
viewable_invoices Only the values PERSONAL and COMPANY are valid. Case does not matter. This defines whether the customer can see just their own PERSONAL invoices, or all invoices associated with all customers within their COMPANY. If this value is ommited or set to a value other than PERSONAL or COMPANY it will be set to the default value of PERSONAL.
viewable_assets Only the values PERSONAL and COMPANY are valid. Case does not matter. This defines whether the customer can see just their own PERSONAL assets, or all assets associated with all customers within their COMPANY. If this value is ommited or set to a value other than PERSONAL or COMPANY it will be set to the default value of PERSONAL.
email String value, limited to 255 characters. This is the email address of the customer. Entering an invalid email address may result in errors when adding/updating tickets for this customer.
email2 Comma separated list of email addresses. These are additional email addresses to associate with this customer. These are used mainly for customer ID lookup on incoming emails.
address String value, limited to 255 characters. This is the physical address of the customer's location.
city String value, limited to 255 characters. This is the city where the customer is located.
state String value, limited to 255 characters. This is the state, territory or region where the customer is located.
zip String value, limited to 255 characters. This is the ZIP/postal code where the csutomer is located.
country String value, limited to 255 characters. This is the country where the customer is located.
phone String value, limited to 255 characters. This is the phone number of the customer. Because this field can be re-labled you may use this field for whatver values you wish.
phone2 Comma separated list of phone numbers. These are additional phone numbers to associate with this customer. These are used mainly for customer ID lookup on incoming calls.
group Name as a String value or ID and an Integer. This is the customer group to associate this customer with. If you are not using customer grouping you can omit this variable. If you are using customer grouping and you omit this value you will need to manually assign them wit ha group or technicians will not be able to see their tickets.
notes String value, no limit. This will be basic notes about the customer.

Output Variable URL Encoded Description


No Customer ID that was added or updated.
Example Usage
http://localhost/API/default.aspx?key=your key here&action=add_customer&cid=demo&contact=John Smith&pass=password123&phone=404-000-0000&email=john.smith@companyname.com&portal=1
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
	"response": [
			"added_customer" : "demo"