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add_ticket and update_ticket
The variables and values are the same for both add_ticket and update_ticket. However, when using update_ticket, only the variables and values you supply will be updated.
Input Variable Input Value Description
cid String value, limited to 255 characters. Required A valid customer ID.
company String or Integer value. The name of a company or the unique ID of the record in the COMPANIES table of the database.
contact String value, limited to 255 characters. The contact name of the customer.
phone String value, limited to 255 characters. The customer's phone number
email String value, limited to 255 characters. The customer's email address.
source String value, limited to 255 characters. The ticket source. The value must be one of your defined ticket sources.
open_date String value. The date of the ticket. The value must be in a valid date/time format.
close_date String value. The close date of the ticket. The value must be in a valid date/time format.
category String value, limited to 255 characters. The category for the ticket.
sub_category String value, limited to 255 characters. The sub-category for the ticket.
assigned_to String value, limited to 255 characters. The technician ID the ticket will be assigned to.
assigned_group Integer or String value. The group the ticket will be assigned to. You can use the unique ID of the group or the group name.
escalation_level String value, limited to 255 characters. The escalation level for the ticket.
status String value, limited to 255 characters. The status of the ticket.
subject String value, limited to 255 characters. The subject of the ticket.
customer_group String value, limited to 255 characters. The customer group the ticket will be associated with. You can use the unique ID of the customer group or the customer group name.
summary String value, no character limit. The summary of the ticket.
response String value, no character limit. A technician response to add to the ticket history.
email_customer String value. Defines whether to email the customer about their new ticket. Accepted values are Y and N.
response_private String value, limited to 255 characters. Defines whether to make the technician response private. Accepted values are Y and N.
priority String value, limited to 255 characters. The priority of the ticket.
due_date String value. The due date of the ticket. The value must be in a valid date/time format.

Output Variable URL Encoded Description


No Ticket ID that was added or updated.
Example Usage
http://localhost/API/default.aspx?key=your key here&action=add_ticket&cid=demo&contact=John Smith&category=Error&status=open
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
	"response": [
			"added_ticket" : "123"