Untitled Page
API Overview
Technician Groups  
Ticket History  
Ticket Attachments  
Billing Line Items  
Billing Invoices  
Time Tracking  
Knowledge Base Articles  
Asset Managements  
Input Variable Input Value Description
id Integer value This would be the ID number of the database record for a technician. You may use * as a wildcard.
uid String value This can be a single technician ID, a comma separated list of technician IDs or the * character as a wildcard to return all technicians. You can use * in conjunction with start_uid, end_uid, start_date and end_date and count to limit the returned values.
start_uid String value This can be a single letter or the first few letters of a technician ID. The returned records will start with this value and go to the last record, unless you include the end_uid and/or count variables. Example: If you include start_uid=j in your request, only technician IDs starting with j or later in the alphabet will be returned.
end_uid String value This can be a single letter or the first few letters of a technician ID. The returned records will stop at technician IDs that start with this value. It can be used in conjunction with start_uid or alone. When used alone the returned records will start with first record in the database. Example: If you include start_uid=j in your request, only technician IDs starting with j or later in the alphabet will be returned.
start_date Date/time value The returned records will start with technician IDs that were inserted on or after the date supplied. This can be used alone or in conjunction with end_date. Example: If you include start_date=04/01/2014 in your request, only technician who were added on or after that date will be returned.
end_date Date/time value The returned records will start with technician IDs that were inserted on or after the date supplied. This can be used alone or in conjunction with end_date. Example: If you include start_date=04/01/2014 in your request, only technician who were added on or after that date will be returned.
count Integer value This would be the number of records to return.
count_only String value Defines whether or not to return only the number of records. This is used in conjunction with the "page" variable or just to get the total number of records. Accepted values are "N" and "Y" (without the quotes). The default value is "N", and if this variable is excluded the detailed data is returned.
page Integer value This would be the number of the "page" of records to return. You must use a wildcard like "uid=*" to get paged records, and you must also include the "count" variable". Example: &uid=*&count=10&page=1.
order String value Defines the sort order of the returned records. You will need to examine the database to determine the exact field names to sort by. You may also include " ASC" (ascending) and " DESC" (descending) in the value for the sort direction (note the precedding blank space). For example, to sort by ID in descending order you would include the following in the URL: &order=UID2 DESC. You can optionally include the "order_direction" variable separately.
order_direction String value Defines the sort order direction of the returned records. Accepted values are "ASC" (ascending) and "DESC" (descending). THe default values is "ASC". For example, to sort by ID in descending order you would include the following in the URL: &order=UID2&order_direction=DESC.

Output Variable URL Encoded Description
id No Unique ID of the database record.
name Yes The technicians name.
techician_id Yes The technician's login ID.
password Yes The technician's password as an encrypted string.
group_ids Yes A comma separated list of the group IDs the tehnician is a member of.
group_names Yes A comma separated list of the group names the tehnician is a member of.
phone Yes The technician's phone number.
email Yes The technician's email address.
date_added No The date the record was added.
rights No The technician's access rights. Possible return values will be "User", "Power User" or "Admin" (without the quotes).
alerts No This defines if the technician has enabled Email Alerts for ticket updates. Possible return values will be "Y" or "N" (without the quotes).
viewable_tickets No This defines which tikcets the technician can view. Possible return values are "ALL" or "OWN" (without the quotes).
chat_notify No This defines if the technician has enabled audible alerts for new chat sessions. Possible return values will be "Y" or "N" (without the quotes).
chat_sound No The sound that is played when new chat sessions arrive.
email_chat_notify No This defines if the technician has enabled email notifications for new chat sessions. Possible return values will be "Y" or "N" (without the quotes).
chat_email_address No The email address chat notifications are sent to.
customer_update_notify No This defines if the technician has enabled audible and visual alerts when a customer updates a ticket while the technician is viewing that ticket. Possible return values will be "Y" or "N" (without the quotes).
customer_update_sound No The sound that is played when a customer updates the ticket a technician is viewing.
ticket_notify No This defines if the technician has enabled audible alerts for new tickets. Possible return values will be "Y" or "N" (without the quotes).
ticket_sound No The sound that is played when new tickets arrive.
refresh No The number of minutes after which the ticket queue will be refreshed.
supervisor No The login ID of the technician's supervisor.
task_notify No This defines if the personal task list will pop-up after login if there are pending tasks. Possible return values will be "Y" or "N" (without the quotes).
chat_auto_text Yes This is the text that is automatically displayed when the technician joins a chat session.
login_status No The login status of the technician. Possible return values will be "Y" or "N" (without the quotes).
last_login No The last date/time the tehnician logged in.
last_logout No The last date/time the tehnician logged out.
ad_last_sync No The last date/time the tehnician information was synched from Active Directory.
chat_canned_phrases Yes A vertical pipe delimited list of the technician's canned phrases for use in live chat.
ticket_canned_phrases Yes A vertical pipe delimited list of the technician's canned phrases for use on tickets.
filters No A vertical pipe delimited list of the technician's filters that are used for keyword searches of tickets.
customer_groups No A comma delimited list of the customer group IDs the technician is associated with.
columns No A comma delimited list of the columns the technician has selected to view in the ticket queue.
html_editor No This defines if the technician has the HTML editor on the New Response tab enabled. Possible return values will be "Y" or "N" (without the quotes).
auto_stopwatch No This defines if the technician has the stopwatch set to track time automatically. Possible return values will be "Y" or "N" (without the quotes).
auto_timesave No This defines if the technician has the stopwatch feature to save time automatically. Possible return values will be "Y" or "N" (without the quotes).
chat_queues No A comme delimited list of the chat queue IDs that the technician is associated with.
pbx_extension No The technician's PBX extension.
pbx_queues No A comma delimited list of the PBX queue IDs that the technician is associated with.
pbx_sound Yes The sound that is played when a new call arrives.
use_encryption No This defines if email encryption is to be used when sending email to the technician. Possible return values will be "Y" or "N" (without the quotes).
chat_language No The language to be used for chat session translations. Possible return values are af, sq, ar, az, eu, bn, be, bg, ca, zh-CN, zh-TW, hr, cs, da, nl, en, eo, et, tl, fi, fr, gl, ka, de, el, gu, ht, iw, hi, hu, is, id, ga, it, ja, kn, ko, la, lv, lt, mk, ms, mt, no, fa, pl, pt, ro, ru, sr, sk, sl, es, sw, sv, ta, te, th, tr, uk, ur, vi, cy and yi.
mail_checking_enabled No his defines if the tehnician has enabled email checking. Possible return values will be "Y" or "N" (without the quotes).
notes Yes Basic notes about the technician account.
Example Usage
http://localhost/API/default.aspx?key=your key here&action=get_customers&uid=*
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <group_names>Group 4%2cGroup5%2cGroup6</group_names>
        <date_added>4/28/2014 2:18:34 AM</date_added>
        <last_login>4/28/2014 2:18:34 AM</last_login>
        <last_logout>4/28/2014 5:18:34 AM</last_logout>
        <notes> </notes>
	"tickets": [
			"id" : "23",
			"name" : "Bill+Johnson",
			"techician_id" : "bjohnson",
			"password" : "221CF4EA1E0646351AE291E6A6C39B0FFCC47EF3",
			"group" : "4,5,6",
			"phone" : "404-000-0000",
			"email" : "Bill.Johnson%40company.com",
			"date_added" : "4/18/2014 7:04:05 PM",
			"rights" : "User",
			"alerts" : "Y",
			"viewable_tickets" : "ALL",
			"chat_notify" : "Y",
			"email_chat_notify" : "",
			"chat_email_address" : "",
			"customer_update_notify" : "",
			"customer_update_sound" : "",
			"ticket_notify" : "Y",
			"chat_sound" : "",
			"ticket_sound" : "",
			"refresh" : "",
			"supervisor" : "",
			"task_notify" : "",
			"chat_auto_text" : "",
			"login_status" : "",
			"last_login" : "",
			"last_logout" : "",
			"ad_last_sync" : "",
			"chat_canned_phrases" : "",
			"ticket_canned_phrases" : "",
			"filters" : "",
			"customer_groups" : "",
			"columns" : "",
			"html_editor" : "",
			"auto_stopwatch" : "",
			"auto_timesave" : "",
			"chat_queues" : "1,2",
			"pbx_extension" : "1234",
			"pbx_queues" : "",
			"pbx_sound" : "",
			"use_encryption" : "N",
			"chat_language" : "",
			"mail_checking_enabled" : "Y",
			"notes" : "Test"
&group=4,5,6&phone=404-000-0000&email=Bill.Johnson%40company.com&date_added=4/18/2014 7:04:05 PM