- ReadyDesk can be setup for both sending and receiving email..
- The supported email protocols are SMTP for sending and POP3, IMAP and Exchange Web Services (EWS) for incoming email. Use of Exchange Web Services requires an Exchange server runinng Exchange 2007 or higher (including Exchange Online) with Exchange Web Services enabled.
- You can easily define the outgoing and incoming email server addresses, port numbers and login credentials. You can even run quick tests directly from the settings page to ensure that your settings are correct.
- All ticket actions will automatically send out an email notification to the other associated parties.
- Incoming emails can be read by ReadyDesk and they will be automatically turned into tickets, with the customer's complete information pulled from the database.
- Replies to emails generated by ReadyDesk will automatically get appended to the history of the associated ticket. It will read only the newest reply so the entire email chain doesn't keep getting imported.
- Attachments are automatically handled by ReadyDesk and associated with the ticket it generates. Attachments to new and existing tickets will also automatically get attached to the outgoing email notifications. ReadyDesk can handle an unlimited number of email attachments.
- You can create an unlimited number of "Ignore Rules" which will allow you to define which emails ReadyDesk should not import as tickets. This is extremely useful for stopping SPAM emails from becoming tickets. The "Ignore Report" will let you quickly see which emails were ignored, and which rules were applied to them. You can even choose to ignore all emails from non-customers (email addresses that do not match one of your customers' email addresses).
- Every email sent out by ReadyDesk uses an "Email Template" which can be fully edited from the administration console. Variables can be inserted anywhere into the email. For example, the variable [COMPANY] would insert the customer's company name in the email. There are variables for every field used by ReadyDesk, including any custom fields you define.
- The email processing feature supports digital encryption certificates for end to end encryption, meeting requirements for HIPAA and HSPD-12 standards.